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for a complete listing of our community economic and social development projects since 1990. 

At the Heart of the Matter: Personal Storytelling in a Digital World  In the spring of 2014 Community Works introduced a new initiative. Over the course of 3-5 day workshops,  participants explore personal stories and use video editing software to create a 2-5 minute first person story that adds animated images, music and sound to a recorded narration. (on going)


At the Heart of the Matter: Stories of Home and Community Facilitated a multi-media art project with participants from two inner-city ministries in Winnipeg. Participants explored the theme of Home and Community in story circles, through pinhole and digital photography, stencil print making, and audio reflections. The project culminated with participants creating first person digital stories.


Volunteer Training Videos Produced a series of training videos for volunteers at Oak Table Community Ministry in Winnipeg, MB.



Bleak House Centre: New Horizons for Seniors Projects  Conducted a Needs Assessment and coordinated the implementation of new initiatives at a seniors centre in the North End of Winnipeg, MB. Taught computer courses and classes in photography and short video production.


Strengthening Our Communities Developed and delivered a series of training workshops focusing on supporting and mentoring children and youth and their parents in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Northwestern ON. (on-going)


Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan Facilitated the development of a comprehensive long-term community economic development strategy for a Northern Ontario First Nation.


Building Resilience in Times of Crisis Organized a 4-day conference at the Marlborough Hotel in Winnipeg, MB.


The Mothering Project:  A Pregnancy and Parenting Support Program for Substance-Involved Women Developed a comprehensive program template for Mount Carmel Clinic in Winnipeg, MB.


Community Economic Development Toolkit Wrote and provided training on use of toolkit for Manitoba Economic Development Advisory Committee on contract with Keewatin Tribal Council.


Youth and the Arts Developed, secured funding and implemented a community-based crime prevention program in partnership with schools and community agencies in northern Manitoba First Nations, using local artists and visiting artists as mentors. Program included traditional crafts and ceremonial regalia making, painting, puppetry, music, audio art, theatre and photography.


Celebrating Our Creativity Developed, secured funding and implemented annual 3-day Creativity Camps for remote First Nations at a traditional land-based gathering place in northern Manitoba as well as a number of community-based creativity gatherings in northern Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.




Copyright 2021 Community Works Manitoba Inc.
T: 204-255-1131;  C: 204-881-6177

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